
We are currently in development on a immersive ballet project for VR and the metaverse.
In short it is the story of a young girl who's dream is to be a famous and world-class ballet dancer. Her story tells of the loss of innocence in the journey into the depths of the human and cultural experiment and how she finds her way back to the youthful magic that is the stem of all creation.
Click for more info about our world renowned partners
"Ballet Florida" dance Company...
Beautiful Dream
In Develeopment:
A 'Post-Posterous' Cerebral Film Series
A story that dives into the underbelly of the healing, arts, and music scene.
Set primarily in los Angeles and the Northwest, 'A Beautiful Dream' takes us on a journey into the many realities and untold stories of some misfit psychonauts.
Click the button to view the trailer in 4K

Experience Energy
VR 180 - YouTube Series
A VR and Meta-verse film series that puts you inside the world of energy, frequency and the vibrational world inside and out.
Experience the world through the eyes of our coaches as they guide your senses and open your perception of what is possible in how you "see" the world